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What can I expect in a lesson?


The Start Of The Class
Students and instructors usually arrive at the dojo (club) about 15
minutes early before class.
The start of the class all students line up facing shomen (the front) from right to left starting with the most senior grade to the right going to the lowest grade to the left. If there are a lot of students with the same grade, try to go by height. This will make pairing up later easier and faster.
The whole class will now kneel from senior grades to the junior grades.
The whole class will then bow three times (sometimes four) – toward Shomen (the front), the instructor, Sometimes the senior grades, and lastly to the whole class.
You will then stand and the class training will begin.

The Training
A typical class will consist of three categories. Kihon, Kata and Kumite (basics, set forms and sparring). Depending on the needs of the class, the instructor may choose to do all three or focus on one in particular for that session. You will be learning everything from kicking to punching, knife hand strikes to palm blocks, defence to attack, breathing and stretching exercises The class will never be too much for your ability, We may sometimes try and push you that bit further but this is with the best intentions at heart to make you the best you can be.
A typical class will focus on both instruction and fitness. There will be a LOT of repetition. This is how we train the body and gain the muscle memory necessary.
Even advanced students will spend many hours practising what you will be shown even in your first lesson.

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